Dontsov Denys Yuriyovych


Judge of Primorsky District Court of Odesa

Date and place of birth: 

The information is being clarified

Information about relatives:

The information is being clarified


The information is being clarified

Information about work (when, where he worked, in what positions):

The information is being clarified

Involvement in one of the cases (which case, position at the time of involvement):

On September 22, 2020, Sternenko's preventive measure expired. But already on September 29, 2020 judges of the Maritime Court of Odesa Kichmarenko Serhiy Mykolayovych, Olga Petrivna Shentseva and Denis Yuriyovych Dontsov a preventive measure was chosen for him in the form of night house arrest. At the same time, they indicated in the decision that there are no risks.

Violation of legislation within the framework of the case:

The information is being clarified

Involvement in other cases that had public resonance (in which case was noticed, status within this case, year, month):

The information is being clarified