Bogonis Volodymyr Romanovych


Main Department of the National Police in Dnipropetrovsk Region, Deputy Chief - Head of the Department of Preventive Activities.

Date and place of birth: 

Sokal, Lviv region

Information about relatives:

Bogonis's wife, Maya Serhiivna, is an entrepreneur. The wife has an apartment in Dnipro and 2 more objects under construction.


Higher, Kyiv National University of Internal Affairs, now - National Academy of Internal Affairs (2008).  

Information about work (when, where he worked, in what positions):

He started his career in Lviv as a private entrepreneur. Since 2008 - in Dnipro, he was the director of the branch at Mobilochka LLC.
In 2014, with the creation of the first volunteer battalion "Dnipro-1", he became the deputy chief of staff. In Mariupol, he commanded the southern division of "Dnipro-1".
In January 2015, he was appointed to the position of chief of the Zhovtnevy RV of the Mariupol UMVS.
Since the beginning of September, he worked in the monitoring department of the National Police Department in Kyiv.
In January 2015, he was appointed head of the patrol police department of the Dnipropetrovsk region of the Department of the Patrol Police of Ukraine.
Since 2017, he has been the deputy head of the Department of Preventive Activities, the Main Department of the National Police in the Dnipropetrovsk Region.

Involvement in one of the cases (which case, position at the time of involvement):

Under his patronage, the persecution of Andrii Denysenko, the falsification of the case against him continues.

Denysenko's defense managed to open criminal proceedings against Prosecutor of the Dnipropetrovsk Local Prosecutor's Office No. 4 of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Maznytsia Artem Oleksandrovych and Deputy Chief - Chief of the Department of Preventive Activities Bogonos Volodymyr Romanovych according to Part 2 of Art. 365 of the Criminal Code "Exceeding authority or official authority by an employee of a law enforcement agency."

According to the defense, it was Bogonis who organized and directly directed the actions of the police at the time of Zelenskyi's arrival.

August 26, 2020 police and security of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi beat public figures at a peaceful protest during the guarantor's arrival. According to the fact of the statement about the crime, criminal proceedings have been opened under Part 2 of Article 365 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Exceeding power or official authority by an employee of a law enforcement agency." Victims: Alina Novikova, Nadia Sviatun and Valery Garaguts. 

On August 26, 2020, the criminal prosecution of Andrii Denysenko began. Criminal proceedings were opened against him under Part 2 of Art. 345 of the Criminal Code "Deliberately inflicting light bodily injuries on an employee of a law enforcement agency in connection with the performance of official duties by this employee." The victims who were beaten by Zelenskyi's bodyguards submitted their statements at 6:00 p.m. to the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast State Police. However, according to their statements, the information was entered in the ERDR an hour later than the information that Denysenko, the coordinator of the Surrender Resistance Movement, allegedly beat a policeman. According to the defense, this shows that the police deliberately fabricated the case against Denysenko in order to somehow cover up their crimes (the beating of public figures during a peaceful protest and the broken rib of Alina Novikova).

On December 11, 2020, Denysenko tried to get to an appointment with regional prosecutor Serhii Bizhko, who signed the new suspicion, but he was absent at the workplace under the pretext of "safety measures against the coronavirus." Denysenko does not hide from the investigation: on November 30, he filed a complaint with the investigative department, on December 3 and 7 he was in court together with the investigator and the prosecutor, and on December 8, at the session of the regional council and in front of the police, he helped journalists get to the session hall, about which there is a video in the news The session was also attended by the top management of the regional and city police, including Volodymyr Bogonis.

Violation of legislation within the framework of the case:

The information is being clarified  

Involvement in other cases that had public resonance (in which case was noticed, status within this case, year, month):

The information is being clarified